More and more training is composed of online interactive components and the use of video. What is of concern is that if the video is not properly compressed it can take forever to load and play. One thing you don't want is a frustrated user who has to wait for the video to load or to have it stop playing multiple times because the loading has not kept up with the player.
Many of the video editing software have great tools to help you export video to web friendly formats, but some of the presets don't always pare the file down as much as it should. Here are a couple things you should look for when exporting or saving video for the web:
1. Average video whether Standard Definition or High Definition is shot at 29.9 frames per second (fps). Average Web video fps should be around 20 fps, so make sure that you choose a lower fps. It's always good to try several beta saves at different rates and test them to see how they load and look on the web.
2. Most people don't know that stereo audio is a big space hog. When video is taped it usually is in stereo and that it takes up nearly twice as much space as mono. Unless you really need the audio to be in stereo, opt for a much smaller file by choosing mono from the options menu.
3. Lastly, if you want to pare down that file even more, consider using a Flash Video encoder. My video workflow for web goes as follows. First I export my video for web using a lower fps and mono settings. Next I import my video file into Flash video encoder. After it is encoded i import the file into Flash and publish as a swf and html file and upload it to the web.
By following these simple steps you can make your video files much smaller and make it easier to view them on the web. Hope this tip has been helpful and let me know if you have any helpful tips to keep those video files from getting out of hand.